Normal Isn't Neutral (with Sage)

You cannot kill me in any way that matters.

Sarah is joined by locally infamous firebrand Sage to discuss life in late capitalism. Topics include: Good leftist podcasts, PHASE II, discord server politics meta, the compression of time, and VIOLENCE.

If you have a story to tell or a question to ask, email us at [email protected] or send an anonymous message at

TQ Twitter: @TransQPodcast
Sarah's Twitter: @hmsnofun

Support Sarah Zedig on or give a one-time donation at

INTRO MUSIC by Molly Noise

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

Just Another Normal Episode

or: "NOT" an April Fool

Mars and Miles host TQ for a very standard and regular episode of the show.

Do you have questions, stories, or other gender-related gripes you want to share?
Email us at [email protected], or send an anonymous message to

Support Sarah at or give a one-time donation at

For podcast updates, follow @TransQPodcast
You can find Sarah @hmsnofun

INTRO MUSIC by Zoestra

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

Southern Transgothic Disasters (with Cassidy Claymore)

or, Not An Episode About Waluigi

THIS WEEK: Cassidy Claymore joins Sarah in that most hallowed of social activities: just vibing.

Topics include: Being trans in the south, homelessness, road trips, being an animator, and various obscenities.

Follow and support Cassidy on Twitter: @CassClaymore YouTube: melt Patreon:

If you have a story to tell or a question to ask, email us at [email protected] or send an anonymous message at

TQ Twitter: @TransQPodcast
Sarah's Twitter: @hmsnofun

Support Sarah Zedig on or give a one-time donation at

INTRO MUSIC by Zoestra

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

Conversation with a Transgender Therapist (with Rose Benjamin)

or, From Fear to Flowers

THIS WEEK: Sarah talks to Rose Benjamin about her experience as a therapist specializing in transgender issues.

Topics include: The application of wisdom, the truth of ourselves, passive vs active trauma, historical roles of trans people, and the pitfalls of the stereotypical trans narrative.

Follow Rose Benjamin on Instagram @trans_therapist_rose

"Two Spirits, One Heart, Five Genders" by Duane Brayboy.

If you have a story to tell or a question to ask, email us at [email protected] or send an anonymous message at

TQ Twitter: @TransQPodcast
Sarah's Twitter: @hmsnofun

Support Sarah Zedig on or give a one-time donation at

INTRO MUSIC by Zoestra

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

Mediating Transmasculinity (with Dylan Clark)

or, All Media Analysis Is Just Glorified Astrology

THIS WEEK: Sarah is joined by video essayist Dylan Clark to discuss his videos on Contrapoints, Boys Don't Cry, Dorian Electra, and others.

Topics include: redefining manhood, the invisibility of men's gynecology, fandom shipping as media analysis, media analysis as astrology, and a twenty five minute conversation about canonicity in Homestuck.

Follow and support Dylan on... GoFundMe: DC Needs a Hysterectomy Youtube: Boyform Twitter: @InBoyForm

If you have a story to tell or a question to ask, email us at [email protected] or send an anonymous message at

TQ Twitter: @TransQPodcast
Sarah's Twitter: @hmsnofun

Support Sarah Zedig on or give a one-time donation at

INTRO MUSIC by Zoestra

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

What Is Trans Questioning?

Or: A Return to Gender

Sarah's back yet again, and she has even more questions. THIS WEEK: Why did this show start? What will this show become? What's Sarah even been up to???

Do you have questions, stories, or other gender-related gripes you want to share?
Email us at [email protected], or send an anonymous message to

Support Sarah at or give a one-time donation at

For podcast updates, follow @TransQPodcast
You can find Sarah @hmsnofun

INTRO MUSIC by Zoestra

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

Heather Flowers: Staying Dangerous

or: The Age of Un-Subtlety

You climb into the warm crevice of your meat mech. Its pungent copper wetness fills your nose and slides down the back of your throat... it tastes like blood and cherries. It occurs to you that this nightmare of muscle and bone feels somehow more like home than anywhere else you've ever been. You whisper your name and push your neck onto the nerve spike. As the thing you call "yourself" expands, a fire lights in the pit of your stomach. Oh, of course. This is what it feels like to be alive. This is what it feels like to be you. You are GENDER DISASTER.

THIS WEEK: Game developer Heather Flowers joins us to discuss EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER Season 2, which is on Kickstarter now! Topics include antifascism in video games, advice for aspiring artists, how to deal with trolls, what to do about diversity in the games industry, being transgender online, and what keeps us going in the age of fascism.

Support EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER Season 2: Bound By Ash on Kickstarter!

Buy Heather's other games, including Meatpunks Season 1, at!

Follow and support Heather on... Patreon: Twitter: @HTHRFLWRS

If you have a story to tell or a question to ask, email us at [email protected] or send an anonymous message at

TQ Twitter: @TransQPodcast
Sarah's Twitter: @hmsnofun

Support Sarah Zedig on or give a one-time donation at

INTRO MUSIC by Zoestra

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

Sarah Zedig Talks About Left-Tube

or: A Tale of Too Much Capitalism

Time to pour some milk on our faces and talk about LEFTWING MEDIA. THIS WEEK: Sarah shares some HRT updates before diving face first into some topical internet discourse by asking: what is left-tube, and is it a movement? Covers criticism of the "dirtbag left," the differences between left-tube / breadtube, a history of the likes of ContraPoints and others, Sarah's experience on youtube, left-tube's similarities with comedy non-journalism like The Daily Show, what it does well, what it does poorly, and how we could all be doing a lot better. Hint, the answer involves communism.

Do you have questions, stories, or other gender-related gripes you want to share?
Email us at [email protected], or send an anonymous message to

Support Sarah at or give a one-time donation at

For podcast updates, follow @TransQPodcast
You can find Sarah @hmsnofun

INTRO MUSIC by Zoestra

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

Marble Charlotte: On Conversion Therapy

CONTENT WARNING: This episode gets into several heavy topics, such as emotional abuse, privacy violations, homelessness, victim blaming, and conversion therapy. Please take care of yourselves. THIS WEEK: Marble Charlotte comes on the show to discuss her experience with a family-mandated therapist whose only goal was to convince her she wasn't transgender.

Follow and support Marble on... Patreon: Twitter: @marblecantus Twitch: Podcast: Deck of Friendship

Do you have questions, stories, or other gender-related gripes you want to share?
Email us at [email protected], or send an anonymous message to

Support Sarah at or give a one-time donation at

For podcast updates, follow @TransQPodcast
You can find Sarah @hmsnofun

INTRO MUSIC by Zoestra

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

Comorbid Disorderly Conduct of the Nonbinary Variety

or: Wow Ya'll, We Really Need Socialized Medicine

Uh oh, Sarah's back and this time she has EMOTIONS. THIS WEEK: We discuss the psychological experience of being off and on HRT, as well as the comorbidity of mood disorders and learning disabilities, which makes it hard to diagnose things like ADHD, BPD, or bipolar. Hormones aren't a silver bullet for mood and habit, unfortunately! ALSO: A pair of emails, first about the state of transgender rights in the military in Singapore, and then asking about finding friends and salvaging damaged relationships after coming out.

Do you have questions, stories, or other gender-related gripes you want to share?
Email us at [email protected], or send an anonymous message to

Support Sarah at or give a one-time donation at

For podcast updates, follow @TransQPodcast
You can find Sarah @hmsnofun

INTRO MUSIC by Zoestra

COVER ART by @deervvitch

If you are in crisis or just need a shoulder to cry on, please contact the Trans Lifeline for support at

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